Sister Patricia Terry Holland, the wife of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, pἀssed away on Thursday, July 20, at the age of 81, after living a faith-filled life marked by devotion, service, and testimony.
Sister Holland, a former general officer in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and mother of three, grandmother of thirteen, and great-grandmother of five, will be remembered for her unwavering support of her husband and their endeavors to spread love and light across the world.
On Friday, July 28 at 11 a.m., funeral services will be held in the Conference Center Theater. The whole population is welcome. The funeral service will be televised for those who are unable to attend. There won’t be any open viewings. Sister Holland will be buried at St. George following the ceremony. You can read about the Patricia Holland Obituary, Deἀth, And more information.
Patricia Holland Obituary
Utah’s Salt Lake City-On July 20, 2023, Patricia Terry Holland, the spouse of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, pἀssed away peacefully. When she pἀssed away, her children and husband were there to comfort her.
She was raised in Enterprise, Utah, where she was born on February 16, 1942, to Maeser and Marilla Terry. Her early years were shaped by the deep pioneer ideals of her ancestors who settled the region, as well as by the enjoyment and hard work of helping at the family farm and store.

She began playing the piano by ear for school musical performances by the third grade, which demonstrated her remarkable musical skill. She relocated to St. George with her family during her first year of high school, ostensibly to accommodate her father’s expanding business.
Actually, the main benefit of that action was that it introduced her to sophomore athlete Jeff Holland, who was intelligent, attractive, dimpled, and overconfident. She immediately won him and the other students over with her generosity, talent, attractiveness, and spirituality.
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The two eventually began datἰng, and a love affair that has never ended commenced. She headed the cheer squad during her time in high school, served as a class officer, received numerous awards from her peers for her charm and abilities, and performed on piano in several school productions.
She let her sweetheart know that it was now his turn to wait for her as she took a year to study voice and piano with Julliard teachers in New York, where she also served as a stake missionary, after waiting for him to fulfill a mission in England.
Patricia and Jeffrey were wed there on June 7, 1963, where three generations of Patricia’s maternal grandparents had also been sealed. Her three children, Matthew, Mary Alice, and David, were the greatest joys of her life.
She joyously committed herself to developing their religion, meeting their needs, assisting with their schooling, encouraging them in their athletic endeavors, teaching them music, and establishing a house where all of their neighbors wanted to visit and stay forever.
She received her education at Brigham Young University, LDS Business College, and Dixie College (Utah Technical University). She was eventually recognized for her remarkable life achievements by each of these institutes.
She served with love and grace as the First Lady of Brigham Young University from 1980 to 1989 and as a First Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency from 1984 to 1986. Her caring and clear leadership had a significant impact on the creation of the Young Women Values.
For more details about Patricia Holland obituary see the post below:
She wrote numerous books. The Association for Mormon Letters prize for devotional literature is only one of the accolades that “A Quiet Heart” has received. She has supported her husband for the past 34 years in his capacity as a General Authority and Apostle, teaching and bearing witness to Jesus Christ and the Restoring of His Church.
Saints all around the world have been encouraged, uplifted, and comforted by her numerous devotional addresses, firesides, and Church talks. The advent of thirteen grandkids and five great-grandchildren further increased the immense delight she had experienced while raising her children.
Her children Matthew (Paige), Mary Alice (Lee), and David (Jeanne) are still alive, as are her siblings Reginald (Linda), Fenton (Ilona), David (Linda), Steven (Marie), and Sherene (David). She is also survived by her husband Jeffrey. She was predeceased by her brother Joe (Leann), parents Maeser and Marilla, and parents.
See obituary details below:
The Conference Center Theater in Salt Lake City will host funeral services on Friday, July 28, 2023, at 11 a.m. These events are free and open to the public. There won’t be any open viewings. The next day, the body will be laid to rest in St. George, Utah.
Russon Mortuary & Crematory is in charge of overseeing the funeral services. Visit the Sympathy Store to purchase trees to be planted in memory.
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