After a struggle with cancer, a Canadian youngster who gained fame for his TikTok “wish list” series d!ed at 18. According to his obituary, Harrison Gilks of Fredericton, New Brunswick, passed away peacefully on March 30 with his mum, dad, and brother holding his hands and by his side.
The adolescent, who had more than 300,000 followers on TikTok, received a rhabdomyosarcoma diagnosis in November 2020. After finding that his unusual form of cancer had become incurable, despite doctors having claimed he was in remission just four months earlier, Harrison started his bucket list series in June 2022.
Harrison responded by posting a video to TikTok, marking the beginning of his bucket list journey. He said:
“This isn’t the normal type of stuff I post, but found out today, or it was kind of confirmed to me, that I have terminal cancer. To those of you on here that know me, you probably know that I’ve had a battle going with it for the last little while now. I was good, I thought, cancer-free for a little bit. But, unfortunately it came back.”
He told his friends and followers (According to the Independent)
“So, the reason I’m making this and I’m putting it out there is I’d like to make a little series called ‘bucket list series. I’m gonna go out and do a bunch of stuff that I’ve always wanted to do. I’m not sure what yet.”
Harrison has completed a lot of bucket list things with the assistance of his community since the beginning of his TikTok series. His neighborhood raised money to help Harrison fulfill his last wishes, which included taking a helicopter ride over New York City, meeting Montreal Canadiens ice hockey players, going to a Los Angeles Rams football game, and going to Mexico with friends, according to Canadian public broadcaster CBC.

Speaking to CBC, his father, Trevor Gilks, said his 18-year-old son will always be remembered (According to Aol)
“his big heart, social spirit, love for sports and his will to never give up.”
Said Trevor (as reported by New York Post)
“Every time there was something that would put a big grin on his face and you could tell in that moment he forgot about cancer. You see those moments and it’s all worth it.”
Following Harrison’s dea†h, his younger brother David told his thousands of followers that Harrison had passed. His brother said in a video posted to Harrison’s TikTok (According to ET Online)
“I’m making this video because Harrison sadly passed away a few hours ago. He was not in pain when he passed away and he was with his family. I just wanted to come on here and say thank you to everyone from around the world for their support and encouragement. It really did mean a lot to him.”
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In his obituary, Harrison’s family called the teen “an inspiration” to his friends, family, and TikTok followers. They said (as reported by Narcity)
“He always found good in every situation and touched the lives of many with his messages of hope and encouragement through his TikTok videos, where he chronicled and shared his journey with cancer with the world. He vowed to get as many ‘bucket list’ adventures as he could with the time he had left… But after nearly two and a half years of a hard-fought battle, knowing he did as much as he could, knowing he was loved and strong, he said goodbye.”
A rare kind of cancer that develops in soft tissue, rhabdomyosarcoma, was discovered in Harrison Gilks. According to the American Cancer Society, Rhabdomyosarcoma is frequent in youngsters and typically progresses to the lungs, lymph nodes, and bones.
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