Note: Please be advised that this news article contains details of an obituary. Reader discretion is strongly advised.
Carolyn Bryant Donham, the White woman whose claim led to Emmett Till’s lynchἰng dἰed, the coroner for the Parish of Calcasieu in Louisiana told CBS News. Coroner Terry Welke stated in a letter that Donham, who lived in Westlake, Louisiana, dἰed at 11:59 p.m. in her home. He said that she was 88 years old.
Donham is known as a key player in the lynching of Emmett Till. In an unpublished manuscript that the Associated Press got a hold of, she wrote that she “tried to help the youth by denying it was him.” Men brought the 14-year-old to her house in the middle of the night after she said he grabbed her while she was working alone in her family’s shop in Money, Mississippi.
Till was from Chicago and was visiting family in Mississippi when he was charged, taken, and kἰlled for this. After a few days, his deformed body was found in a river. When his mother, Mamie Till Mobley, burἰed her son in Chicago, she chose to open the casket, which helped the growing civil rights movement.

Do you know that Dave Hollis, a former Disney employee and the ex-husband of popular self-help author Rachel Hollis, dἰed this year of an accidental overdose:
In a statement to CBS News, Till’s cousin, the Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr., said that even though no one would be held responsible for his deἀth, “it is up to all of us to be accountable for the challenges we still face in overcoming racial injustice.”
A grand jury in Mississippi declined in 2022 to prosecute Donham for her role in the events that led to Till’s lynching. The year before, the U.S. Justice Department said that it would stop looking into the case.
Note: The information in this article came from a variety of sources. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings here. In addition, you can use the comment box below to contribute any relevant knowledge or insights you may have about this case.
Keith A. Beauchamp, a documentary filmmaker and producer of the movies “Till” and “The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till,” said in a statement that he hopes “the State of Mississippi, local authorities, and the Federal government release all files on this case to the public, so we can all bear witness to this miscarriage of justice.”
Our coverage of Carolyn Bryant Donham’s deἀth and obituary concludes here. You can add our site to your bookmarks to find out about the latest obituary news.