Accident on an RTD Train in Golden Near the Jefferson County Courthouse

Accident on an RTD Train in Golden Near the Jefferson County Courthouse

According to RTD, at about 9:30 on Saturday morning, a light rail vehicle derailed in Golden, Colorado, close to the Jefferson County Courthouse.

Fortunately, just two people were injured, but the disaster will undoubtedly disrupt W line service in the area for some time. Two other passengers and the conductor were on board, and police in Golden said nobody was hurt.

Accident on an RTD Train in Golden Near the Jefferson County Courthouse
Accident on an RTD Train in Golden Near the Jefferson County Courthouse

According to the police in Golden, the two wounded individuals were sent to Centura St. Anthony Hospital for treatment.

“The first vehicle went off the rails and the other three remained on the tracks, so right now, we’re working to rerail the train so that we can continue with service in the area, but there’s no timeline for when service will resume,” said Stuart Summers, chief communications officer at RTD

Even though the train’s electrical lines were severed due to the derailment, no power loss was reported, and police said there was no impact on car traffic.

Don’t miss a headline if you want to know what’s happening in your area. We recently wrote about the most important news about the Train Crash. Click on the links below to read more county news:

Passengers can now use nearby shuttle buses to get where they need to go while avoiding derailment. Attempts are also being made to ascertain what precipitated the derailment by investigators.

For more information, please refer to the tweet provided below:

There will be an indefinite closure of the Golden station. The RTD travel planner is available to riders who require information on routes, delays, and schedule changes.

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