Ron Menor Obituary

Ron Menor Obituary – Politician in Hawaii for a Long Time Dἰed

Note: Please be advised that this news article contains details of an obituary. Reader discretion is strongly advised.

Ron Menor, a longtime politician in Hawaii who was voted to the Legislature and the Honolulu City Council, has ded. He was known for his “passionate service” during his many years in office. He was 67.

Gov. Josh Green told the public that Menor had ded because of an “unexpected medical emergency.” Green said in a statement –

“We remember fondly Ron’s passionate service to the people of Hawaii over the many years he served in the Legislature and on the Honolulu City Council.”

Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi praised Menor, the former chair of the City Council, as a “valiant public servant.” Blangiardi said, in a statement –

“Ron was a tireless leader who championed his community and had an incredible impact on our city.”

“We all owe him a debt of gratitude for his public service.”

Menor’s wife, Patricia, and his three boys, Benjamin, Andrew, and Anthony, are still alive. Menor was the son of the late Benjamin Menor, who was a judge on the Supreme Court of Hawaii, and Lilian Menor.

Do you know that Stew Leonard Sr. ded at the age of 93? He started the popular chain of grocery stores that bears his name. Leonard was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, and he opened the first Stew Leonard’s as a retail dairy shop in 1969:

Menor worked in office for a long time. He was on the Honolulu City Council. In the 1980s and 1990s, he was a state lawmaker, and in the 2000s, he was a state senator.

Menor’s first job was as a clerk for the Supreme Court of Hawaii. In an interview with the Hawaii State Bar Association, he said that his father made him want to go to law school and work for the government. He said –

“My decision to enter the legal profession was also motivated by my desire to make a difference in the lives of people.”

Note: The information in this article came from a variety of sources. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings here. In addition, you can use the comment box below to contribute any relevant knowledge or insights you may have about this case.

Our coverage of the deth and obituary of longtime Hawaii politician Ron Menor is now complete. Be sure to bookmark our website for additional obituary-related news.

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