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Suzanne Morphew Husband Says the Woman Went Missing in Colorado Made Bad Choices

Suzanne Morphew Husband

Suzanne Morphew Husband

Almost three years after Suzanne Morphew vanished on Mother’s Day after going on a bike ride, her family has spoken out and criticized law enforcement for previously accusing her husband of muɼder.

Barry Morphew, 55, said in a Good Morning America interview:

“It’s very hurtful to lose your reputation and your integrity. It’s very hurtful to lose your reputation and your integrity.”

With his two adμlt children by his side, Morphew discussed the events leading up to his wife Suzanne, 49, going missing on May 10, 2020, in Maysville, Colorado, including the “bad decisions” he believes she made while undergoing chemotherapy and medication for Hodgkin’s canceɼ.

According to The Daily Beast, He denied any issues in their 26-year marriage and any role in his wife’s abduction.

“I know she was going through some hard things and made some bad decisions,” Morphew said, insisting that he was unaware of an affair she was having. “She was really having trouble with the chemotheɼapy and the dɼugs.”

However, Colorado law enforcement has consistently claimed that Morphew klled Suzanne after becoming aware of her adulteɼous relationship, before disposing of her body and fabricating a bike accdent to hide his cɼime.

Prosecutors accused Morphew of kllng Suzanne in May 2021, revealing alarming information about how she intended to end their marriage and even describing him as a “Jekyll and Hyde.”

Days after his arrest, Morphew was charged with new accusations for allegedly voting his missing wife’s ballot for Donald Trump in a mail-in ballot sent on his behalf. (Morphew admitted guilt in July 2016 for using his wife’s voting information.)

Suzanne Morphew Husband

Nine days before Morphew was scheduled to go on trial in April, prosecutors hastily petitioned to dismiss the murder charges despite the overwhelming evidence.

After failing to turn over evidence, 11th Judicial District Attorney Linda Stanley prohibited the prosecution from calling many key witnesses during the trial. However, the case was thrown out without prejudice, allowing the prosecution to charge Morphew again at any moment.

“They’ve got tunnel vision and they looked at one person and they’ve got too much pride to say they’re wrong and look somewhere else,” Morphew told Good Morning America. “I don’t have anything to worry about. I’ve done nothing wrong.”

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Morphew and his family have since filed a $15 million federal civil rights lawsuit against prosecutors and local law enforcement, claiming he was wrongfully arɼested for “a cɼime he did not commit.” Morphew’s two daughters stressed they are standing by their dad and called the last few years “literally our worst nightmare.”

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